When you create an API sometimes you feel horrible when you need to add a couple of fields. You need to adjust the code, adjust the variable, put the label and then testing then just publish it. What if when the form you created and somebody asks you to add more fields? You must loop what you do above? More complicated flow isnt it?

With Api Builder Lab, you just need to add fields by clicking the button. Then just rename it then publish or update the form.

Its pretty simple to do when we need to add a couple of fields. As well as when you are using Wordpress and use the plugin Advanced Custom Field, which builds their form with just click and publish. The benefit using Api Builder Lab is you can directly access the API and control it through the dashboard. And also you can change the key when you need to disable the form to retrieve submission.

So, the conclusion is write the simple to to build the API because you work with so many platforms and devices. Then you just need to centralize the brain so you can control the form cross device and platform.