Form is most used by business owners to collect the data for marketing purposes. By using this they will more easily manage their form and data. Because it is on one dashboard. So the first step you must do is sign up then after you sign up try to login then follow the below step.

1- Go to Dashboard then navigate to menu Create New
2- Type your form name and choose type field your want to build
3- Labeled your field
4- Save
5- After the form is created then please build the API key

After you build API key you have many option to post or insert data:

1- Using API endpoint
2- Using the menu download HTML which contains customizable HTML/CSS/JS codes to embed the form on web pages.
3- Using Wordpress Shortcode if you using wordpress install the plugin first here then you can use this shortcode It will display the form inside for the wordpress page or post.
4- Using QR Code You can download your QR Code which is linked to your form

For more documentation please see documentation